Location: Eureka-West Shore Lodge No. 302, F & AM, 910 S Market St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA
Mechanicsburg Rotary-North
Beer & Wine Event
Will use outside grounds
Samuel C. Perkins Royal Arch Chapter - Stated Meeting
starts: January 13, 20254:00 pm
Location: 910 S Market St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA
Start: 7:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Location(s): LodgeOrganization: Samuel C. Perkins Royal Arch Chapter
Comments: Stated Meeting
Daughters of the Nile OZEMB
starts: January 14, 20255:00 pm
Location(s): Hall, Kitchen
Organization: Daughters of the Nile OZEMB
Comments: Regular monthly meeting.
302 Extra Extra Meeting
starts: January 15, 20257:00 pm
Lodge Room
Rain Date - Mechanicsburg Rotary-North: Beer & Wine Event
starts: January 19, 202512:00 am
Location: Eureka-West Shore Lodge No. 302, F & AM, 910 S Market St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA
Mechanicsburg Rotary-North
Rain Date
Beer & Wine Event
Will use outside grounds
Job's Daughters
starts: January 19, 202511:00 am
Location: Eureka - West Shore Masonic Lodge #302, 910 S Market St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA
Start: 12:00 PM
End: 6:00 PM
Reserved: Social Hall and Lodge room
Order of the Amaranth, Willard Waterman Court #54
starts: January 20, 20253:00 pm
Location: Eureka - West Shore Masonic Lodge #302, 910 S Market St, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055, USA
End: 10pm
Location(s): Hall, Kitchen
Organization: Order of the Amaranth
Comments: The Order of the Amaranth, Willard Waterman Court #54 meets the third Monday of each month from 4:30 PM - 10:30 PM, except July and August during the year, in the Social Hall and also uses the kitchen.